Malta’s premier design expo!

A showcase of creativity where tradition meets innovation, designMT Expo will comprise a full programme of activities, from debates and discussions on all things design, to a multitude of exhibitions featuring some of the top local talent in this field.

The inaugural edition of designMT Expo will be held in multiple venues around Valletta between Monday, September 30, 2024 and Saturday, October 5, 2024.

A public call for designers interested in being part of this inaugural edition of designMT Expo is currently open until Monday, July 15, 2024 at noon.

designMT Expo is being organised by the Malta Crafts Foundation, in collaboration with the Golden Glitch and with the support of the Arts Council, the Valletta Cultural Agency, and Spazju Kreattiv.

We are excited to invite designers of all types—whether you’re a solo designer or an artist, part of a design studio, an artisan creating unique pieces or someone working in industrial design—to showcase your work at the designMT Expo.

The programme of activities during designMT Expo will be open for the general public.

Yes, we are looking for both new and existing original designs that demonstrate the best of contemporary design.

If you are creating a new piece, this will have to be fully executed and ready to exhibit by not later than Monday, September 2, 2024 so that the plans can be finalised accordingly.

Proposals are to be submitted via email to by not later than Monday, July 15, 2024 at noon, and must include the following:

  • Contact Details: Please provide an email and a mobile number where we can reach you.
  • Portfolio: A brief portfolio presented in digital manner that showcases a selection of your works, highlighting your creative range.
  • Visuals: Include photos and/or detailed sketches of the work/s you plan to exhibit.
  • Design Concept: Describe the concept and inspiration behind each piece you are submitting (maximum 200 words per piece).
  • Exhibit Plan: Share your ideas for how you intend to display your work at the expo. Please specify any resources or venue specifics you will need to realize your vision.

Note: Large files are to be sent via portfolio-sharing platforms (e.g. Behance or similar) or file-sharing platforms (e.g. WeTransfer or similar).

No. A selection committee will review all proposals and choose the pieces that will be featured during the event, allocating a location within one of the participating venues. Production and setting up of the submitted designs at the designated location will remain the responsibility of the proponents, under the guidance of the organisers who shall retain the final say.

Kindly send an email to

This list of FAQs will also be updated with common queries.